Acacia Honey

Acacia Honey

Acacia honey an unifloral variety, which means it comes from a single botanical origin and presents precise organoleptic and microscopic characteristics (that is, there must be pollen grains corresponding to the flower which, in this case, is that of acacia). To produce a unifloral honey, the chosen botanical species must be present in great abundance and in very large areas.


In Italy sufficiently large areas (to be able to satisfy the request coming from all over Italy) there are few, also because of the fact that production is subject to weather conditions (for example, if it rains, the bees cannot leave the hive to collect the nectar and the flowers tend to spoil much faster) we basically rely on good luck for the annual harvest!

Unlike other unifloral honeys, everyone likes acacia honey because it is not very aromatic, neutral and delicate (like that of sulla and legumes in general) and it can for several purposes: for cooking, in cosmetics or in preparation of natural remedies.acacia-honeyThe botanical name of Acacia is "Robinia pseudoacacia", so named in honor of the herbalist and pharmacist of the French kings, Jean Robin (1550-1629). When, in 1601, Robin was commissioned to create and organize the Botanical Garden of the University of Paris, he found Acacia seeds, which at that time only came from America. Jean took care of the buds that grew rapidly, until they became beautiful ornamental trees, with large green foliage, which provided coolness under their shade and a magnificent view of the white flower clusters.

Despite having a life expectancy of less than a century, the acacia of Jean Robin, planted in the Renè Viviani square, in front of the church of Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre, still exists, even if damaged by the bombings, which followed one another during the WWI. Today it is supported by three concrete pillars; but with its 400 years, it is the oldest tree in Europe!

The appearance of Robinia Pseudoacacia, in Italy, took place in 1662, in the Botanical Garden of Padua and from there, it quickly spread to Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto and Tuscany. It is said that the first seeds, used to introduce the species in Germany, were taken from the acacia present in the botanical garden of Padua, at the behest of Maria Theresa of Austria, in 1750.


Today, acacia is widespread in most of central Europe, southern England, Sweden, Greece, Spain, Cyprus.

As already mentioned, part of the name was given to it in honor of the botanist Jean Robin, but the adjective "Pseudoacacia" is formed by the suffix pseudo (which means similar) and acacia which is the term used to indicate a genus of plant, commonly called mimosa.

The aroma of acacia honey is very delicate and scent is almost completely absent, the colour is clear, limpid and transparent. If it is perfectly pure, it tends to very light green.The taste is very sweet and delicate at the same time. It is suitable for sweetening those products whose taste is not to be altered.

The crystallization of honey (or its solidification) occurs due to a series of factors: temperature below 10 ° C, humidity below 18%, impurities such as wax, foreign bodies. Acacia honey, on the other hand, does not crystallize, if it happens it happens in such a long time that it is difficult to see. Acacia honey remains liquid for a long time and at very low temperatures.


Acacia honey, naturally produced from organic farming, maintains all its characteristics unaltered.

First of all, being a natural product, it does not need any preservatives; it is an excellent sweetener and can be a valid substitute for refined white sugar: consisting mainly of glucose and fructose, unlike white sugar, it is quickly absorbed by the body and slowly releases its energizing power.

Acacia honey provides proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids and thanks to its qualities, it represents a valid energizing and restorative alternative for athletes or for all those who need to recover after a long convalescence or seasonal illness.


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