Tonda Iblea olive

Tonda Iblea olive

Main characteristics of the Tonda iblea cultivar
As the name suggests, Tonda Iblea is a Sicilian native cultivar that typically grows in the eastern area of ​​the island. In particular, the area of ​​greatest diffusion of this type of tree is represented by the provinces of Messina, Catania and Syracuse tonda iblea(but its presence has also been recorded in the territory of Trapani and Agrigento), where it is also known with the synonyms of Giarraffa, Alimena, Bruscarinu, Caloria, Prunara, Tonda Nera and Vitriolo . Used indifferently for table consumption and for the production and sale of extra virgin olive oil, Tonda Iblea finds its ideal habitat in hilly areas up to a maximum of about 600 meters above sea level, and is therefore a very resistant cultivar to cold temperatures.

Furthermore, this makes it rather difficult for fly attacks to occur and makes it possible to avoid resorting to pesticides, thus preserving the quality of the product unchanged. Resistance to Sickness of Lead and Cotonello is also very good , while a certain weakness is noted against Cochineal, Verticillosis, Leprosy and Peacock's Eye. Being a self-incompatible variety, Moresca and Calatina cultivars are used for pollination.

olive-tonda-iblea  olive-tonda-iblea   olive-tonda-iblea     

Morphological aspects of the Tonda Iblea cultivar

The olive trees of Tonda Iblea are very vigorous trees round Hyblean leafwith an upright posture, with a medium-dense crown. On the branches there are leaves of medium size, elliptical in shape and with flat longitudinal curvature, gray and opaque in color. Characterized by a high ratio between stone and pulp, by a good productivity even if sometimes subject to alternation and by an average oil yield (between 16% and 20%), the drupe of this cultivar is very large in size (generally more than six grams in weight) and has a symmetrical elliptical shape. The apex is round, the umbo is absent and the base is truncated, while the surface of the fruit has rare small lenticels.

Characters organoleptic and nutritional oil Sicily

For a long time, the Tonda Iblea was an olive exclusively for table but only recently has it begun to be used for the production and sale of monocultivar extra virgin olive oil. It is an oil that has a set of typically Sicilian flavors . First of all, a rather intense olive fruitiness oil sales branch is noted , accompanied by a bouquet of very varied hints such as tomato, almond, artichoke, cut grass and aromatic herbs. The taste is very harmonious and sees the presence mainly of sweet and spicy, while the bitterness is very light.

The color is green-gold, while the overall acidity is very low. Instead, the content of polyphenols and vitamin E is rich . On the market, the sale of extra virgin olive oil of the Tonda Iblea cultivar is aimed at a very varied public who in the kitchen prefers to prepare vegetables, salads or meat or fish dishes. Not very suitable for the preparation of salads or tomato sauces, it is instead excellent for seasoning first courses with seafood sauce , or second courses based on raw fish.

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